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So far we've got a fun sequence that's shaping up nicely IMO!  We have the who, and what she's turning into:

Spunky young female boxer in training determined to make an impact will turn into... Female Buff anthro kangaroo

NOW!  It's time to come up with the scenario!

It's time to write in your suggestions for the trigger scenario!  What causes her to transform into an anthro kangaroo?

 Keep in mind that if your suggestion involves other characters on the pages consistently, that it will mean a shorter sequence.

I will pick 3-5 of my favorites and make a poll!  

Taking suggestions until Thursday Dec 16 at 8pm CST



Enchanted punching bag


'They' told her to take a dive. Unintimidated, she clobbers her opponent. After the fight, 'They' lace her water with a new type of poison.


The idea is that she is going up against the daughter of somebody powerful (Like a crime boss or a corrupt politician). 'They' are goons, following that crime boss's orders. This bout is important for the protagonist. It's the last qualifier before the upcoming big tournament. One last stepping stone before she can really get her career started. Shortly before the fight, she is accosted by two men who tell her to take a dive and throw the match. They try to scare her into compliance. Even doing the whole "It would be a shame if something were to happen" Speech. But she isn't one to be intimidated. On the day of the fight, she enters the ring and utterly defeats her opponent. Seeing this, the crime boss orders 'them' to remove her from the equation. They opt to do that by using a new type of poison. Fresh off the black market and supposedly untraceable. It won't show up in an autopsy. They have no idea what the poison actually does, nor that the reason it doesn't show up in an autopsy... Is that it doesn't leave a corpse behind at all. When she takes a long swig from her water bottle, she begins to feel... strange.