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This is already shaping up to be a fun, cool themed sequence!  So!  We had some great suggestions for what our Spunky young female boxer in training determined to make an impact will turn into!

It was tough to narrow it down to five, but I've done so!  

Ultimately, this time around, the ones that spoke to me were both creatures that seemed to work well thematically with boxing, as well as ones that I haven't been working on a lot lately.

One person brought up that most of the build-a-sequences we've done recently have all been female to herm, so let's do something a bit different this time around :)

The poll will be open until Monday Dec 13 at 8pm :)



Kangaroo is in the lead! Wait... This has been done before! Go on aranias site and search for the word 'boxer'. You'll find an image called 'kangaroo boxer'. This is the exact same scenario. The exact same character turning into the exact same creature. It could almost be a preview of the upcoming sequence! HA! You guys sure like voting for the familiar!


True but that was a single image, not a sequence. So the upcoming art should be justified.


I know. It's also a pretty old image. This wasn't a complaint. It was meant to be read in a jokey manner. Just poking a little fun over the concept being so exactly similar to whats been voted for so far. Maybe it didn't come across that way. Reading it again, I can see how it wouldn't.


I get that. But I think we need to see more art of Kangaroos on her website. If no one does it first I'd like to commission Arania for a Kangaroo Lesson. Those are always good.


When you like something, it pretty much never feels like there's enough of it. Personally, I'd like to see more kangaroos too. I'd also like to see more *new* things. Going purely by the numbers... Arania has drawn a fair amount of kangaroos and a fair amount of rabbits. Not huge numbers... but fair. Meanwhile... I don't think she has ever drawn a pitbull, or a honey badger, or a female lucario. So my vote steers more towards them. In the end, this sequence is going to be great, no matter which option wins. But, its always fun to see her draw something that she hasn't drawn before.