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All rightie!

First off, thanks for your patience in me getting the next question out - I worked a long day on set yesterday and was pretty exhausted when I got back home last night <3

So! We're off to the races!  We've got our starting character (we'll probably ask some further details about the character down the line, but for now, let's get the skeleton of this sequence outlined! :3

Our starting character is a:
Female psychiatrist

NOW!  Let's decide what she turns into!

Post your suggestions in the comments below!
You can be general (eg: dog) or specific (eg: nonmorphic/feral male german shepherd) - but if it's a general suggestion, we might ask further questions later to specify.

Suggestions close 7pm CST Sunday November 7

- Please keep your responses to  140 characters.  That's the maximum number of characters I can put in a poll option.  
- one suggestion per person per round

I will be selecting 3-5 of the suggestions that inspire me at the time, and I will make a poll for you to vote from them :)

Have fun!


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