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Hi Everyone!

For this months' personal project I worked with some of the other background actors on FTWD to make these patches for other BG and the cast of Fear! This was also a great experience developing art for printed merch that isn't just a print.  I think some of the designs were still a bit complex for the printing (especially the zombie bat) but I am still really happy with how they're looking!

I've been working on the show for 4 seasons, and each one has had a filming name of an animal that I did a zombie version of for the designs.  (I'm leaving out the current season/ season 7 for NDA reasons - but I'll post it separately later after the season's done filming).  So season 4 was "bats", season 5 was "Scorpion" and season 6 was "Monarch".   (And I am for the record annoyed that so many of the animals are insects/inverts since those were TOUGH to zombify when they have no bones). 

So far my walkier friends actually making/printing the patches has printed out the season 4 and 6 ones (the bat and monarch), and will be printing the other two soon.

Even cooler, we've had the chance to give the patches we've printed so far to several of the main cast, including Alicia, Al, Strand, and I was able to personally give ones to Morgan and Dwight :)   ((The character names there)).  



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