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Hello everyone!

First off, I have my laptop back - yaaaay!  It's fixed - even more yaaay!

So I'm catching up a bit on things I couldn't do well with just my phone, and I plan on scanning new art this coming Friday :)

Also!  For this mont's personal project I'm going to share some of the "Monster Fucker Bingo" pieces I've done so far - I do plan on continuing to fill prompts from here, but this is quite a few I've done so far and I'm going to "count" what I've done so far for this month's personal project.  Some of these pieces alone (such as the mid-snake TF piece, and the detailed shaded sketch (the first two) would probably be big in scale/finish enough to be considered a personal project on their own). 

I've tried to do a different style with each piece, practicing different styles - some shaded sketches, some inks, some digital sketches, etc :)

  I'm featuring the art alone above, but here's a link to all of them along with my notes on the art, what the prompt was, the style I chose for the piece, sometimes a bit of context, etc!

"Jaws that Bite and Claws that Catch" 



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