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Hi Everyone!

First off, thank you all SO Much for your contributions this month!  Your help has been VITAL in me continuing to do art as a primary source of income, to continue to bring you all content, and keep my site ad-free and over a hundred new images with each update :)

The patreon pledges this month are getting close to getting back up there to the 1k mark - at which point I'll do another free 10 page TF special for a patron :3

I've got a BUNCH of my to-do list right now, and it's shaping up to be looking like a big update for the end-of-April as well.  Right now I'm working on the next section of the Contest of Champions: Lost Explorer sequence (there will be at least another 20 pages in this batch),  and I'll put at least a good chunk of those here to Patreon when I finish the batch.

Other projects on the books include the start of a new "Platinum Wolves" sequence (with another of the sisters), a new installment of the old "shadow" series, and a male to female raccoon sequence.  Plus of course whatever community funded sequences get funding this month -so far I have enough for at least 3 more pages of Cabin.

But check out my full 

to-do list and feel free to comment with any sequences you guys would like previews to here on Patreon :)

Also!  I was in a Cracked interview!

I was approached by a writer for Cracked.com about doing an interview about artists who do adult furry art for a living.  All things said, the writer promised and I think delivered on being pretty objective and fair with the presentation.  I would like to provide a caveat that I didn't pick the art that they chose to use and the art selected for the sections is not representative of any anecdotes that might be discussed in them. 

Looking forward, 


- The end-of-April Update

 should be as-planned - and will fall on Friday April 29 (since the last day of the month is a Saturday)

- The End-Of-May

 Update will be EARLY.  I will be leaving town for over a week the end of may/first part of June.    I will do the May update either Wed May 25 or Thurs May 26.  At that point, there will be a HARD CLOSE on my commissions until the end of June.   During this point, after I have come back to town, I will work hard on trying to trim down my worklist. 

- The End of June

 update should return things to normal. If I succeed in catching up on enough work, I will try to open commissions publicly.  No promises, since I don'


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