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Hi Ya'll!

I know I've been a little quiet so far this month - I've been building up a big pile of art to scan - and I'm aiming at doing that Monday :). That includes a good chunk off updates for both Cabin in the Woods and Devil's Due!  I'll be sure to post those as sneak peeks when I have them!

In other news, I got my 2nd Moderna shot yesterday, and I'm probably going to take today easy since I feel like I got socked hard in the arm + achy and tired - but tooooottalllly worth it!  

Hope you all have been doing well, and expect some fun stuff from me soon! :D





Woo! Those are really good news! I'm getting my second shot next week and, I've been told it's normal for one to feel worse than the first. So yeah! Take it easy and rest and relax!


Now we both have 5G together! Pfizer for me, Moderna for you!


Thanks Jake! Yeah, it seems to vary widely by person, but for me, the first shot just left me with a very sore arm for a few days and I was a little tired the first night. I'm getting run down & body aches today, but I just woke up from a nap and feeling a little better <3


Congratulations on that. You have any big plans in 2 weeks when you're officially immunized?


Thank you! Nothing big - not yet at least - but my wife and I might actually go eat at a restaurant (!) or go see a movie (!)