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It's shaping up to be a busy month of trying to finish off the work on my to-do list in advance of opening commissions at the end of the month, but i'm working hard on it!  So it's been nice being able to take a bit of time here and there to do some personal projects as well :)
This was the third piece I did for the Good Omens Reverse Big Bang (where artists draw a piece of art, and writers choose them to write a fic about :) ) - this one is inspiring a neat alternate universe story where Crowley - a naga - was sealed away for a long time in a Norse tomb and unsealed/awoken by explorer Aziraphale :)

Coming down the pipe: I've got a BIG batch this month for both of the community funded sequences Cabin in the Woods and Devil's Due.  For a hint, I had had about a day's worth of work on them coming into this week when I'd initially planned on working on them/scanning them some time next week, but it's blossomed with some excellent contributions to about a week's worth of work on them - so I will be pacing those out - I hope to have at least the new content for Cabin finished by mid next week where I'll scan and post that, but Devil's Due might come a bit later. 

I'm also working hard on finishing the colors for this chapter of Enthralled and the rest of the colors for Fleshcraft Horse.  

And I have some fun plans for my personal projects -there's a "MoFu bingo" (aka Monsterfucker bingo)  fun project where the person running it gives a prompt once a week for people to write a short fic or doodle - and I'll probably be doing that, likely with mostly Good Omens fills but possibly some Captain America or OCs depending on what the mood strikes.  I'll probably bundle those submissions together for one month's "personal project" - and I've also been accepted into a Good Omens Monster/Trueform zine that I'll post more details about later!  



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