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Annnd thanks for your patience!  I finished the rest of the community funded credit this month (Cabin had a good chunk of credit, thanks Jack!) - and I had time to finish and scan it!

This is all SFW - but it's a long-awaited moment: the RETURN OF CARLA!  And there's a lot of catching up to do!  

(And you all know this story - it won't be safe for work for TOO long ;) ) 

I've got a lot of plans for the upcoming parts, but before we bring more characters to the cabin, is there anything specific you all would like to see?  I won't make any promises as I do have some plans, but feel free to comment below with any ideas you might have - they might just be integrated!  

Not TOO FAR in the future (Not sure how long, but at least another few months), I will be opening up an opportunity for two more characters to enter the story.  I plan on auctioning another spot like I did for Jack here, and the other character will be a chance for patreon patrons~!  I will either do a community funded build-a-character OR randomize one person to specify the character in full as a reward to you all who have been supporting me <3.  Comment below with which of the two you all would prefer!  

ALL new characters will have to meet some basic qualifications to keep them in tone with the setting, however :) 




I still want to see Dee come back and get...uhh...penetrated...but you probably already have plans for her. But also, what if you show a flashback? Like something that might have happened with the original characters in the original story, but we didn't get to see? It'd be nice to see the old characters mid change again :)


I'm kind of just waiting for the mane part of the lion transformation. Yes, that is a pun. ;3