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Hi Everyone!

So I've been having fun doing fanart for Good Omens/ participating in some of the fan community events.  But it's still me and I love me some good transformation content, so this blends the two of them.  this is done for a "Reverse Big Bang" (I draw art, and it inspires a fanfic writer to write a fic - that will be written for this piece ) :). Expect the next couple months of personal projects at least to be in this vein - thank you all again for your support and allowing me to do a personal project once a month aside from my commission projects <3

So yes - this is an involuntary snake TF as the hook - and I'm looking forward to seeing what the writer who picked my piece comes up with :)
I'm posting some WIPS as an extra bonus and so you can see my process/phases: sketch, digital inks, flat colors.  I've been working more with Procreate - involving some simple comic formats, and getting a coloring system down better with it - though this mixes photoshop and procreate.  



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