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Thank you so much AGAIN to werewolf_hunter20 for a holiday gift to the community and sponsoring the difference between our current level and the Build-a-sequence goal - we're going to do a build-a-sequence this month! :D


Thank you all again as well for your continued support in these trying times, as it is absolutely _invaluable_ to me and I'm very glad we can do one of these!

IF you're new to Build-a-sequences, each question I ask gets us more information about the story.  Please only answer the question asked with each round - it's collaborative, so there will be a whole series of questions that slowly build the sequence out :)

SO!  For the FIRST question, who (or what) is our starting subject?
(ie, the character "before" the TF.)

((Future questions will ask what they turn into, or the scenario, etc!)) 

If I have 20 or less suggestions (the limit on poll options), I'll make a poll of all of them.  If there are more than 20, I'll randomize 10 or more of them :)


You can suggestion anything from a name/brief description of an original character (but no reference images for OCs), a character from media, but please no real people.  ((Ie, you can suggest Black Widow, but not Scarlett Johansson)).

I'll be numbering off your responses.

Round 1 suggestions close Sunday December 7 at 3pm Central Time.

- Please keep your responses to  140 characters.  That's the maximum number of characters I can put in a poll option.  
- one suggestion per person per round
- you MAY repeat someone else's suggestion, it increases the chances of being randomly picked.


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