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Hello everyone!  

I'm going to go ahead and make this post public since there's nothing confidential in here, and it will be here in case anyone new joins in on the beta testing phase before it ends.

All right, guys!    We’re nearly there!

I’ve been working hard on the new site and I’m ready to do an open call for


All the stuff I said was very much a Work in Progress before has now gone through at least one check-over and transition to the new version of the site.


However, I am sure I’ve made plenty of mistakes – there are almost 950 sequences now that it’s all said and done, and plenty of places for errors.

HOWEVER, If you have beta access to the site, this is a REWARD, not a job.

You are under NO obligation to submit anything to me.

  However, if you


to, between now and probably the end of February, it will be

in final edit mode before it transitions over to replace the old site.

So what am I looking for? Here’s some things:

  • Mistags
  • Missing tags
    • Especially likely to be missing are ‘umbrella’ tags like: “canines” “felines” , “insects”, “invertebrates”, “birds”, “mythologicals” and “transgender” tags

    • And a new tag, “Species swap” (For TFs of one animal into another)

  • Missing NSFW labels
  • Missing WIP labels
  • Missing artwork / sequences
  • Sequences that should be tagged as part of a series

    • Please send me links to the sequences
  • Missing images or pinups or alternate endings to sequences

  • Broken Images
  • Sequence out of order within a series
  • Typos in the text of the page (not text on artwork jpg image files)

  • Broken Links (I’m aware of the broken “payset” links – they’re going to all be changed with the final page move anyway).

  • Bugs or problems with the page in various browsers/mobile devices

  • Awkward phrasings in texts that makes something confusing/too wordy

  • Any sequence whose text block is pink instead of white

What do you do if you find errors?


Ideally, if you’re going to give the site a check-over:

  • Send me an email to arania@kamiki.net
  • With a LIST of the errors you’ve found.  

    Ideally, in one concise email rather than a series of emails

  • Please, include links to the sequences in question (if you click the title of a sequence, it will give you a link to that sequence in specific)


Thank you all so much for helping support me during this beta phase

The contributions you guys made helped me invest the dozens of hours it took to move over all of my old sequences, add tags, etc.

~ Arania



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