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Allll rightie!  we've got the first bit of info about this sequence we're building together!  Our starting subject is:

Female college researcher with red hair and brown eyes. Cute in the awkward schoolgirl way

We might ask another question or two later to expand on her "before", but for now, a fun one - what does she turn into?

Write in you suggestions in a comment below!  You can be as general or as specific as you like, but no reference images, but keep your responses to 140 characters.

if your suggestion is vague (ie, dog) - I might make polls later determining things like ending gender, breed, anthro or feral, etc.
You can also be specific, ie "Female anthro beagle with head-hair"

One suggestion per person, although you may repeat someone else's suggestion to increase chances if you like it.

If I get less than 15 suggestions, I'll make a poll of all of them.  If I get more than 15, I'll randomize 5 or so of them with randomizer.org and make a poll from those.  

You have until Tuesday Aug 12 at 2pm Central Time to respond, at which point I'll move this to the voting phase :)


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