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Hi everyone!  I just wanted to drop you guys a HUGE thank you for helping me reach my 4th Goal Milestone on Patreon!  

This is AMAZING you guys - the outpouring of your support has been absolutely vital to me continuing to do artwork as a full time job, and being able to invest the long hours it's taking to get the new site ready for you all.

I've been hard at work this month on getting the new site updated - and the next video I post will include a more detailed update on how that's coming along.

Thank you also SO Much to my new pledgers!  After the next processing date (should be Jan 1) I will mail out beta links to those of you who have recently pledged at or above the $15 level along with other personalized rewards.

But this also means that assuming my pledge level stays above the $1000 level, I will also be contacting a lucky one of you to get to dictate a 10 page TF special in January (and for every month that the pledges stay at that level :) ))

Thank you all SO Much!  This has been a very busy (and expensive) time of year for me, and it's support from fans like you that allow me to continue to do what I love and bring you all this artwork.

I hope you all have been enjoying the December Bounty!  I will continue to post artwork as I complete it - I'm currently hard at work coloring the Xiou Snowmane comic!

And specific shout out (again, but you guys deserve it - and updated now) to all my $15+ patrons:

Dax, Night, Andrew, Rune, Ed, Jonathan, Xurnami, Kairo, Full Moon Master, Robert,

Allyson, Water, Joe, Calacene, KC, Richard, E. T.,   BlueLion, Richard, E. T.,  Calacene, KC, Night, Milissa , Jontehs, Kati 



That's awesome. Congrats!!