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All rightie!  TWO updates today with new artwork!  This sequence I've been working on for a few days now, finalizing the colors for six pages of The Kidnapped Princess: most of her transformation into a demon.

This sequence is NSFW!

This is colorizations for pages 21 - 26

Also as of now, all of my $15+ patrons' payment has processed and I've sent out links to my beta site.  If you didn't receive it, please don't hesitate to drop me a message. 

I want to give a shout out of thanks to you all again: 

Dax, Night, Andrew, Rune, Ed, Jonathan, Xurnami, Kairo, Full Moon M aster, Robert, Allyson, Water, Joe, Calacene, KC, Richard, E. T.,  and BlueLion!



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