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This is video part  2 of 2!
This is the preview/walkthrough of the new site!

Video is a little blurry, but it is a sneak peek ;) 

As mentioned in this video, I plan for December to do an extra treat for Patreon subscribers at the baseline $2 or more: I will be doing effectively close to the $2000 reward level: uploading nearly all new sequences as I make them as a kind of holiday present and donation drive to help me with the time that I will need to invest into the website to get all of the sequences filenamed correctly and tagged properly, dated so that they appear to be chronological, etc.  

Please let me know if you have any questions/feedback/etc by leaving a note on this post!

Thank you all once more for your continued support! 

Specific shout-outs to my $15+ contributors, Calacene,

Xurnami, Kairo, Full Moon Master, Robert, Allyson, Water, Joe, ad Leo!

What sequences would you guys like early previews to? 

My upcoming workilst is here:


As usual, if you have any questions you’d like me to answer

in my next video, please leave a comment on this video or message me through



New website preview

Uploaded by Jenny Biggs on 2015-11-10.


BluEthunder Studio

Really excited to see the final site :) I like the 'tags' feature too to select which animal is featured. Will there be any tags like forced/willing, clothed/unclothed, modern/fantasy?