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Hi Everyone!

SO!  Since things kind of suck all around for EVERYONE right now what with COVID-19, and because your support literally means the world to me, I want to do a thank-you for ya'll.  I will be doing these instead of a personal project for my practice/portfolio slot for the month.

NEW: I will be doing this again in APRIL!
I will be rolling/choosing from the same list below - if you weren't chosen yet, you're still in the running.  If you haven't posted yet, please do!
If you've already been chosen, I'm sorry, but if I roll you I will reroll because I want to spread the love a bit :)    But if I do this again further down the road, I will probably make a fresh post/new list.

I promise to roll at least 2 people randomly via randomizer.org this month and I have the option of picking or rolling more if I decide. 

Here's what I'm doing:
For my practice, portfolio day(s) this month I'm going to do some FREE experimental/ speed paints.  

I will do at LEAST two of them, and guarentee of the first two will be randomized.  I reserve the right to pick or randomize more after that.  

These will be single character color pieces, but experimental styles done in procreate.   Some might be B&W with high shading and pops of color.  Some might be inked and colored.  Some might be colored sketches, some might be lineartless.   Who knows!

They will have either simple or no/color fill backgrounds.  

They're free, but feel free to tip, of course ;)

What to post:
ou can post any of the following:

- A reference sheet of your OC
- A SIMPLE Description of a character of yours
- a simple mid-TF concept (ie, "a male opera singer turning into an anthro husky mid-song") 

One post per person!

I will number off as you post, and I'll go to randomizer.org to pick at least the first two.  

FEEL FREE TO POST NOW.  I will post again/edit the post when I have finished the ones I'm doing/am closed.

Even if I've started to draw these, you can still post.

I MIGHT do this again for my practice/portfolio day next month - if so, I'll also advertise this on my site during the update.  

EDIT: 2 rolled winners:

#17 and #2!  I'll start work on these asap!


One chosen one done for Chrysalis!

I'm going to still leave this open for posting concepts in the event I take more!



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