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I've had a long week on set this week, but not only has it been fun, but I've also had a lot of down time I was able to use to work on art!

I posted on Jan 31 a special "SFW Commission Opportunity" where I took on safe for work commissions that could keep their description/ref images to one page, and here is the first one complete!

This is a PERFECT example of what I can do for set artwork: it's still a long sequence (20 pages) with a complex design, and 4 of the pages were comic pages,  but its description and ref images were able to fit on one page!

I still have some slots open if you are interested in getting in on my slots now when my normal commissions are closed!  

I hope you all enjoy the sequence!  it is safe for work, but still a fun, sexy female cerberus transformation!  I'm also attaching the reference sheet as an example of what I was given and what I produced! :D


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