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Hi Everyone!

First off, happy Thanksgiving for all of you in the US - it's a busy week for me, and I'm not going to be home much this week.

Yesterday & today, I was back on set for Fear the Walking Dead  (but I brought along my sketchbook and even was able to do some art while there!), 

 tomorrow/Thursday is Thanksgiving stuff,

 Friday I have my 1 year from cancer surgery check up/ultrasound/bloodwork appointment.  Given all that entails, I'm going to give myself a day off of artwork after that appointment. 

SO!  Saturday I am still doing the update on Nov 30 - however the update may be a little later in the day/afternoon than usual because I have a lot of new artwork (mostly being the Captured Cattle sequence) - that I will be scanning and dialog-ing first so I can include it with the update :)

I just wanted to give you all an update, why I've been a little quieter this month, but I've got a lot of good stuff in the works for you all! :D



Saturday can't come soon enough \(-_-)/

Daryl Beck

Well, here's hoping for a clear cancer check, that will make for a Happy Thanksgiving. Glad your having fun on Walking Dead, keep up the great work. Take care.

Steve Crowson

One more teaser before the update? 😁😎

BluEthunder Studio

Happy Thanksgiving and all the best for your appointment :)


Best of luck. Don't push yourself too hard.


That's the thing though - until I sit down for a number of hours to scan the sketchbook content, add the dialog, I don't have much else to share. That's why the update's going to be a bit later in the day Saturday, but it will mean more content when I do m.m


Thank you so much! Fingers definitely crossed - and all the best to you as well!