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I just wanted to post a quick update with what's going on on my end :)

I'm back home for a while now (or should be) after a lot of travel in May - I had a blast, but I'm ready to get back in the groove.  And I'm just a week away from my birthday, June 12!

I'm working on the details for the website redesign, and as I mentioned in the video, I've got a lot of ideas I'm excited about, and every dollar that comes in to Patreon is helping me fund this big goal.  All of your continued support is absolutely appreciated!

I've also added as some extra incentive, a new Goal of $2001.  For every month that I reach this level of support from all of you together, I will release ALL of my artwork, as I complete it, early to Patron to my patrons who pledge $2 or more.  This will be artwork on a near-daily basis.  All of the artwork will still be released to my website at the end of the month, but this will be a way to have continuous updates instead :) 

Also, I've opened a Society6 account to put some of my designs on t-shirts, mugs, etc.  I only have a few up at the moment, but if there is any non-adult artwork in particular that you'd like to be able to have on a mug, shirt, etc, just lemme know!

As usual, if any of you have any questions, please feel free to ask me through the message system or leaving a note on this journal, and I'll be happy to answer them through my videos, etc. 

I also want to give a shout-out of thanks to my $15+ patrons: 

Calacene, Xurnami, Kairo, Full Moon Master, Robert, Joe, and Allyson!

Thank you all again!
~ Arania


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