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Even being lucky enough to have health insurance, multiple doctor visits and two surgeries isn’t cheap, so I’m doing a bit of a fundraiser to help with the costs of the thyroid cancer treatments.

Since I already have a chunky worklist, and my amazing wife was awesome enough to want to help out as well, she did digital inks and flatcolors + fire effects of one of our favorite recent donation arts:

September 2018’s woman to female Houndoom (hellhound) sequence!
(Check out the preview image above for a sampling of how it looks!)

What I’m offering is this:

  • The 10 page colored sequence (along with a copy of the pencil version) for a donation of $10+
  • If you already bought the pencil sequence donation art previously, it can be yours for an additional donation of $5+ (this is done on the honor system)
  • The colored donation art sequence will also be included for free with any purchase of the entire Year 11 donation art set for $50 (12 sequences + the colored version of the Houndoom one)
    You can check out the preview image for the Full Year 11 HERE
    You can see a listing of the full year's art HERE

You can donate through this link: (Or click to the listing of the year's donation art above for a clickable paypal button).  Put in the appropriate amount and let me know what it’s for (colored houndoom or the Year 11 donation art package)

EDIT - it seems the original link was temporary and expired - I have fixed the link!

Thank you all SO much for your support, kind words, encouragement, and knowing I’ve got fans like you that have my back and will be here after I’ve recovered means the WORLD to me.  




It was brought to my attention that the original donation link expired, so I edited the link above and that should be a permanent link :) Please don't hesitate to let me know if you have any issues~!