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Thank you all once again for your continued support to help me continue to do artwork for a living and bring you all monthly updates of all my new artwork! :D

I just finished posting the site update and I have uploaded the monthly donation artwork on Patreon!

Last month, right at the end, we crossed the $1600 goal - so even though it's looking like we won't hit it for September, I WILL be doing a community Build-Your-Own sequence this month! :D

I will do a mix of rolled answers and voted on answers to spice things up :)

I will post the first question later today!

I will also be selecting a winner for the free TF Special (or sequence of equivalent value) on MONDAY!  


News Items

  1. Crowdfunded Sequences - Cabin in the Woods: the Documentary continues this month
    If you are interested in seeing how this or other crowdfunded sequences progresses, consider a contribution!  
  2. Donation artwork for August 2018:
    A guy loses a bet to a friend and has to clean his house only wearing a maid outfit.  When he tries to welch, he is changed into a succubus!
    7 comics + 5 full pages = 12 pages total
    (Man -> Woman -> Succubus / Demon )
  3. I want to give a Big Shout-Out of thanks to all my $15+ Patreon donators this month:
    Water, WOW for life!, Cowrara, Andrew D, werewolf_hunter20,  jesse t, Nick F, CorruptiveJade, anybee, Mark G, Johnny_Vulpine, Robert, Andrew WS,


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