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Hi everyone!

This one wound up being a bit late because it took more time than I anticipated (and having bitten off more I could chew with a 5 character + background piece).

Background heavily referenced from a real con photo I took and practice doing a multiple-character scene / also a submission for this year's Captain America Reverse Big Bang (where artists make pieces that are then chosen by fanfic writers to make a story about).
So this will eventually hopefully inspire a cute or funny story about Captain America & the Winter Soldier in a convention.  (and I of course worked in some easter eggs with some side-chars there >.> )

ALSO, I'm posting a watercolor commission piece I did last month (that I've posted on my other artwork page) - not TF related, but an adorable foxbat character named  Razana.

The commissioner also got the original and put it in a frame, which is awesome :) 



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