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The December Site Update is LIVE!
(A few days early since I have holidays plans this weekend :) ) 

News Items

    Due to an increasing number of emails I send seeming to get lost in cyberspace, I am transitioning to myalternate email address as my primary address.  I have changed all the paypal links on the page (and will be working at getting the code changed for the email icon in the header/footer).  I still have and will be checking my old email, but I am working at transitioning to araniaartist (at) gmail.com 
    If you have a donation art subscription payment set up through my old one, I reccomend changing it.  
    I will be OUT OF TOWN (and likely not checking email, sending out old donation art requests) from January 11 - 21!!
    If you can hold off on sending me emails so I don't have a ginormous email box full when I get back, that would be awesome :) 
    On that note, the January update will probably be a bit smaller than normal.  
  3. Donation Art for December 2017: (Will be posted in just a moment!)
    ChristmasThemed: A woman didn't have time to bother getting a Christmas Tree - which ticks off her spouse.  So she is changed into a Christmas-tree-themed Ent for the day!
    10 page digital sketches + pops of color/colored final image
    Woman -> Christmas Tree Ent (Tree-person)
  4. Crowdfunded Sequences - No new additions this month, BUT: I have a set of videos that discuss Cabin in the Woods now that it has been completed and gives some information/teases about what I have in mind for the sequel!
    Part 1 and Part 2

    ALSO, we are nearing the end of Corruption of the Innocent - there are probably less than 10 pages remaining on that sequence.
  5. I want to give a Big Shout-Out of thanks to all my $15+ Patreon donators this month:
    Water, WOW for life!, Andrew D, Mark G, werewolf_hunter20, Kairo, Nick F, Full Moon Master, Revouchers, Johnny_Vulpine, mafyou, E T, Tanap, Robert, Andrew WS


BluEthunder Studio

Loved the new site update. Some great sequences, as usual!