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This is a fun one, guys!  A series of "vignette" images that follow an overarching story!

From the commissioner:

"A foul wind is in the air of the city of London and for once, it's not pollution. The people grow restless, the city's pest population is out of control, and only the homeless pagans know what is truly happening. 'The city is doomed! A pestilence is a upon us,' They say, 'The nearing apocalypse is as a sun setting its last on London, dark clouds rolling in on the unsuspecting masses. Then a grand paw shall reach out, commanding old friends, family, and strangers to renounce their flesh and creeds--to be born anew as the true dwellers of the city. Then they will howl like animals as teeth and nails sharpen, humans falling to all fours, backs furring, tails wagging, cocks pumping and teats suckled. The streets will run with their fluids and blood and excrement until the human scent is washed away in this desecrated and broken land of the old gods. The city will belong to its true dwellers once again within the fortnight--it has been foretold."

This artwork contains NSFW content!




All praise to the Horned Rat!