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Hard to believe another month has come and gone!

FYI: There are two sequences I finished dialog-ing today that are on the site but were not previewed on patreon:

- new pages in Temple of the Dragon Queen
- Reimu Stag
let me know if you'd rather I cross-post those here, or if just a heads-up like this is fine.

News Items

  • The Website Update is LIVE!  
    Over 100 new images this update, including new colored collab images, new sequences, and more!

  • Island of Dr Moreau Kickstarter FUNDED!  THANK YOU!!!
    I wanted to give a huge shout-out of thanks to all the backers for the IoDM kickstarter!  We reached our funding goal and we are moving forward with production, more art, more characters, and I am SO EXCITED about this project!  Thanks to all of you that helped make this dream a reality!!  I can't wait to share the finished product with you all!  

  • Donation artwork for June 2024:

    Nilgai Antelope Lesson
    Lin from the Mammoth lesson demonstrates a Nilgai serum in front of the class!
    (Woman -> Nonmorphic male Nilgai Antelope)
    mix of comic and full pages;
    9 total pages
    Buy on Gumroad

  • Crowdfunded Sequences -  updateds to Cabin in the Woods 

  • I want to give a Big Shout-Out of thanks to all my $15+ Patreon donators this month:
    Andrew D, Sora,  Keowolf, LordE, Protectonot, werewolf_hunter20, anybee, Cowrara, johnny_vulpine, Kaiser, killer095, Komodo Dave, Nozdormu89, Scotty R, 
    (If any of you would like to go by a different name, please let me know!)


Andrew D

I haven't checked out the update yet, but with regards to the cross-post - I personally like having some surprises now and then, so I wouldn't be upset with it not being cross-posted, especially since it's live now. :)