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IoDM is entering its last week on Kickstarter at 65% of our goal. We're counting on a big boost of funding in this last stretch. I'll keep my fingers crossed and I'm not giving up until the end.

Because there has been a lot of demand for the highest tier of support, we will be opening up five more slots at the 1200$ tier, which lets backers design a character to be featured in the book with their own 5-stage TF sequence. None of these backers-designed characters will replace characters on the existing cast-list, they are just there as alternative options or additions to the cast-list for players and GMs to enjoy. 

We will be opening more spaces for this tier tomorrow, June 3rd, with three spaces opening at 11:00 AM PST and the last two spaces opening at 9:00 PM PST. This is to ensure that people in any time zone have equal opportunity to secure this tier if they wanted it.

We should also clarify that backers at this slot will not pick which artist they get to work with. The artists on the IoDM team will be the ones choosing which backer submitted designs them want to take on, based on their own preferences and expertise. Of course, a backer's request for a certain artist will still be highly considered. It can be possible that multiple artists will work together to complete different stages of a character's transformation sequence, just as was done in the original rp group.

Kickstarter link: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/iodm/the-island-of-dr-moreau-ttrpg



I have officially put my money where my mouth is.

Andrew D

Hey, looks like the target was reached!