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Hey all, this post is a pretty unexpected one as I didn't expect this to be implemented so soon, but I've really been enjoying working on it lately.

Server-controlled bots are making an appearance! SEPAI stands for Sector's Edge Player AI, and fun fact it's also the name of one of my favourite kata (karate term).

After making some simple bots to test autobalance yesterday, I woke up today thinking I'll give actual bots a go, and bam, the entire day flew past. I missed lunch by a few hours and then ate dinner at 1am.

This is SEPAI v1, there is a lot to improve in this system but I plan to work a few hours on this every day and improve path finding, building, structure placement, recognising cover, cliffs, walls, when to build, when to dig, how to be stealthy, working as a team, different AI behaviours (defensive, offensive, sniper, stealth, tunneler) and more!

In v1 the bots run to the objective and wander, build up and dig tunnels down, look for enemies, strafe when shooting, decide whether to reload/swap to secondary, knife when on low ammo and track down enemies when they disappear.

It's a really simple system at the moment but there's a lot of logic/decision making going on, but I've had a great time playing against them in matches. I can't wait to improve on this system and bring the game to life! This is also giving me inspiration for a zombie/defence game mode, which would be really fun.

That's all from me, it's nearly 3am so good night all and enjoy the video! You can watch it 24 hours earlier here:


SEPAI - Patreon Exclusive

Special thanks to Pegarex and Satisfied Onion for the opening SFX.



Does this mean the return of <> 😂? But that's really cool guys. Pumped to try it out. Def gunna help with servers at dead times. Keep up the awesome ideas guys 👍🤘


The fact that you can implement this in just one day... dude you are quite the talented man