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crawls forward on my hands and knees, trembling before I vomit this out on the floor before you

u-update.... falls over, allegedly unconscious but ants start to gather on me

between my job being on the absolute thinnest of ice AND one of my dogs very suddenly getting sick (JUST AFTER MY CAT, TOO? HELLO? HELL IS THAT YOU???) I am stressed to the point of OBLIVION... I'm still trying to work down the commission queue, but its happening very, very slowly with all that's going on, thank you for your patience everyone

in better news, we finally finally finally get to meet Imago and get started on the Blasphemous! Imago is totally not traumatized and clingy and desperate for validation and friendship. they're totally good, they're TOTALLY good, don't even worry about it. oh and Marinette can talk to god, but at this rate a little caffiene would've let her do that too




Oh boy what an interesting turn of events


I noticed the location change, when imago appears, and it looks like they're standing in water now? Are they in some kind of mind space, or did they astral project or something, or are the colors just confusing me and imago's just phasing through the floor?