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time for a flashback!~

on another sadder note, updates may be slower soon. things at my workplace have deteriorated to a point of maybe no return, and I might have to start job hunting soon, depending on how things go down - as a result I've been an anxious mess and have been shakily trying to get commissions and updates done, but its been incredibly hard to focus with all the pressure. The situation is really terrible and only seems to be getting worse. Thank you all for your patience, I promise I'm trying my best to get the next update out asap, as I'm very excited about it, but unfortunately life has been very very hard and I am anxious almost to the point of oblivion




Take care of yourself, I hope things get better for you!!

Nathan Ryner

Make sure you focus on your life first in this and not us. We can wait, make sure that you are able to end your employment in the way you desire it first and foremost. Best if done so in a manner that can provide you with an advantage gaining new employment if possible. Make sure everything is legal and by the book both with you and your employer in this, don't get taken for a ride if you can help it.