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Welcome to the fourth Update of C.E. This update is the introduction to the New Big Zone of the game, including new buildings, new items, New Exclusive images, introduction as well to the first quests of the game, and now real challenges against other fighters in the now open Arena.


+ New big zone: Is composed of the Hardwoods and the Fortress. This is the first zone appart from Southville besides the Darkwoods.

Important: For be able to access to this new area you need to explore the Darkwoods and find the right exit

- The Fortress is a big camp and the semi-safe part of this zone, builded on restaured ruins, that has new buildings: Main Store, Big Hotel, Hospital, Arena and a few others that are under construction.
- The Hardwoods are a new woods exploring section. Because of the constant attacks of the monsters towards the protective walls of the fortress, most paths are closed for now. Here is available a magical building located at the north of the base where you can use Crystal shards for create extra Skill Points.

+ New buildings:

 - Arena: colliseum-like building where you can have random battles against other adventurers of diverse levels. It don't matter what level are you, it's all on luck to see who will be your next rival. If you aren't strong enough, expect to lose sometimes. The winner can do lewd things to the loser. Includes a mini store where you can exchange your arena points for stuff.

 - Main Store: One of the most important buildings of the game, in here you will find more items and even new ones in comparison of what you can get in Southville. Includes a new character.

 - Big Hotel: Here you can recover and even save in the hotel room, which also includes a few scenes that has small stats boosts. Also there is a pool where you can slowly recover, that also includes a new character.

 - Hospital: As the name says, is a place where you can recover a bit for free. Most of the place got attacked during the construction so for now is unoperable except for the most important service of there.

 - Sanctuary: Small building where you can convert 10 crystal shards into an extra skill point.

+ New Characters:
 - Andy: The Main Store's Shopkeeper
 - Fusion: A wolfdog that loves water
 - The mysterious tall white fox
 - Receptionist
 - A lot of random characters in the arena.

+ New Images:
 - 4 new backgrounds
 - 2 C. E. exclusive images

+ Selection: Bear been added to the species choices.

+ New Scenes:
- Arena's scenes
- Roofed Pool scenes
- Hotel's room mini scenes

+ New Items:
 - Crystal Shard: Important Item that you collect in quests and Main Store
 - Teleport Scroll: Item that teleports you to the base
 - Medium Stamina potion: recover fair ammount of stamina
 - Lucky Box: try your luck in the Special section of the Main Store
 - Orange berries: Only can collect them in Lucky boxes

+ Quest's in Patrol Camp: The first 8 quests of the game. You can consult them in the Patrol bulletin board and obtain coins, exp.points and Crystal Shards.

+ Extras: Small bug of the woods fixed.

Thank you so much to my patrons for support me. This update required I worked on harder coding. I will keep improving for make the experience in the game more entertaining.


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