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Just wanted to get an idea on your play style so I can make dialogue choices a bit more interesting. I know it's usually common knowledge to go for choices that give you instant reward but I aim to break that.


Logan White

It depends! If I'm playing through the first time I'll probably just do what I feel is the best for good and bad. However if I'm replaying I'll usually go for the best options to max out any points/ rewards


Some of these work together with one another. For example I'll save and normally go through every choice first before picking one and sticking too it. (Which is basically the same as A, B and and D). As for option C, I think that goes without saying that when faced with multiple choices we always pick the one that is going to give us some kind of reward. Now the reward doesn't always have to be stat points, it could be a sex scene, some kind of item, or a way to get a different ending/branching story option but if you have two choices, one which gives a clear reward and another that does absolutely nothing, everyone is going to go for the reward.


I guess it depends upon how much I identify with the character in question. The more I identify with the character, the more I pick an option and stick with it. If I don't identify, then I just see what everything is. Also, to be fair, there isn't really an antagonist yet. Although the asshole who challenges you to the fight club might fit the bill.


In general i go through and pick the answer I like, frequently even if the points are wrong but I enjoyed the response. As i'm not totally sure how someone will respond I tend to check all the different responses on a path on my first play through. However in SO many of these games you only get certain scenes/endings by getting max points and being a super suck up nice person in every situation I frequently have to go back and redo sections, picking things i'm less a fan of because otherwise I can't get the ending I want, really the thing i'd prefer is just a ability to pick what i want and maybe have the option to buy something to give someone for scenes and relationship points, that way if I want to play as a horny, not evil but not a wuss playboy I can.


I always save at every choice and go through all of them to decide which one I want to stick with.