Alpha 0.07 - Writing Update (Patreon)
2017-04-27 09:57:44
Hey guys, same old same old. Still working on the dialogue and story. It's going slower than I've anticipated but it's going. I might need to push back the date by a few days again, we'll see about that. Again, those dates are more solidified the closer I get to it, for now, it's a vague estimate. I'll do what I can and have as much done for the early access supporters. I don't want to have an 'unfinished' version to give out to those getting it early and then have them wait until the full patron release before seeing new content.
What will end up happening is that I'll get all the gameplay and story content implemented into Alpha 0.07a with the as much finished art (and unfinished sketches, prioritizing H-scenes) in there. And by the All-patron release, the only new and updated content that will be included are bug fixes and finished off art.