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 Download (Alpha 0.06c):

Alpha 0.06a – The Exploration Update
+Added Background People in 5 Locations (Café, Classroom, School Hallway 1, Comic Book Store, Park, School Yard, Street)
+Added Popup Notifications
+Added New Intro Sequence
+Added Jane in Bathroom Sequence (Scheduled Event [Tue&Thur Morning/ Sat Afternoon])
+Added Missus in Bathroom Sequence (Scheduled Event [Wed Morning/ Mon&Sun Afternoon])
+Added More Hitomi Side Story as a Random Event at the Beach
+Added Random Encounter with Effie at the Mall
+Added Random Encounter with Violette at the Park at Night
+Added Random Encounter with Jacob in the School Hallway 2
+Added Random Encounter with Miss Allaway in the School Hallway 1
+Added Violette as a Changeroom Attendee
+Added Fades to Naps and Sleeps
+Added Fuck Bitches Pay Weekly Magazine Item
+Fixed Sequence so the player can only go home after Effie’s H-Scene
+Fixed and Improved Dialogue and Sequences to fit with the New Story
+Italicized All Main Character’s Thoughts
+Improved Jane’s Wake Up Scene
+Improve Sprites for ALL Characters
+Completed the Comic Book Store
+Completed the Café Interior
-There’s a bug with Item and Money disappearing when game is refreshed
-There’s a bug with the Park at Night where the RNG doesn’t work so Violette shows up 100% of the time
-Behind the Rocks locations not added
-Patron’s character 69 request behind the rocks not added
-Skinny dipping scene not added
-Hitomi’s Changeroom CG not added
-Jack bumping into MC CG not added

Alpha 0.06b
+Password input at night fixed to update password
+Random Number notification box in the park at night is fixed
+Hitomi random event at the beach fix
+Getting a job at the mall before visiting the comic book store bug fixed (It skips the intro sequence with Jacob and Hitomi and skips defining important information for Hitomi)
+Conversation with Missus and Jane only triggers in the afternoon so the whole day isn’t wasted
+Added more varied messages about location at the very beginning for first time players.
+Increased random encounter rate from 5% to 20%
+Buying Magazine off Hitomi bug fixed
-Hitomi’s one-on-one conversation mapping has a loop.
-Inventory system is still bugged

Alpha 0.06c
+Added Location (Behind Rocks at the Beach)
+Added End of Main Story Screen
+Added Violette 69ing with a girl Behind the Rocks at the Beach (Patron Reward Request)
+Added More Kitchen Chalkboard Messages (Patron Reward Request)
+Fixed Hitomi one-on-one conversation in the comic book store mapping
+Fixed Inventory System (items doesn’t disappear and money doesn’t revert back to its default state)
+Fixed Violette’s random encounter in the Park at night 100% appear rate bug
+Fixed Kitchen Chalkboard changing after conversation bug
+Improved Missus and Jane Bathroom Sequence
+Violette Random Encounter at the Park only triggers when entered from the Map
-Hitomi’s Changeroom CG not added
-Jack bumping into MC CG not added
-Behind the Rock at Night not added
-Skinny Dipping Scene is not completed

$5+ Patrons have access to the phone cheats for this version and all previous versions. During bug fixing week (starting from when I release the 7-day early release), all cheat codes will be sent out via individual early access posts. And only when the All-Patron release comes out is when I'll update the post with the code.

Access the Cheat Codes [ HERE ] 

If you have any questions or inquiries or general comments, feel free to comment down below!




Wow that was fast.. Thanks :D CHEERS


I had to skim out on completing the skinny dipping scene. I got everything except the MC done as you probably have seen already.


Hey Gee whats the code?


Can you put the code as simply a patreon only post with a download? It's a hell of a lot of trouble for people to message directly and wait, people have extremely short attention spans.


Hey how can I get the cheat code


plis platform for android :(