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Random Event - Skinny Dipping

  • Yes, include it. Yes, it's beasitality 10
  • No, don't include it. Yes it's beasitality 3
  • Yes, include it. No, it's not beasitality 109
  • No, don't include it. No, it's not beastiality 17
  • 2017-04-10
  • 139 votes
{'title': 'Random Event - Skinny Dipping', 'choices': [{'text': "Yes, include it. Yes, it's beasitality", 'votes': 10}, {'text': "No, don't include it. Yes it's beasitality", 'votes': 3}, {'text': " Yes, include it. No, it's not beasitality", 'votes': 109}, {'text': " No, don't include it. No, it's not beastiality", 'votes': 17}], 'closes_at': None, 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2017, 4, 10, 2, 23, 6, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': True, 'total_votes': 139}


So I have an idea based on one of the $5+ Patron suggestions; 'skinny dipping at the beach'. So there'll be this chick there and she calls over for you to come fuck her in the water. You, the player head in and there's a chance that a fish will bite your dick and ruin the moment. Basically what I'm asking is would you want/ are you fine with that being in the game and on a less serious, kind of wtf note, would you consider that beasitality? 



That sounds hilarious, I'd love to see it in the game. On the bestiality, it's not sexual so I definitely wouldn't count it as such.


I think that the random bad event should be in relation to some stats. Like higher strength reduces your chance for the bad event.


As long as there's an outcome where you can fuck her, otherwise that's just a horrible tease.


The fact that she call us and then we fuck her directly (if we're not bite by that damn fish) seem to be a bit easy, maybe we can have some interactions with this chick before and the good point lead us to the beach ?


I certainly like the idea and it can't be considered bestiality because you are being bitten; you aren't intentionally putting your dick in the fish to get sexual satisfaction.


Hypothetically, she's wasted and horny af. I'm not ready to make another side story for a one-off random encounter.