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This is about a pop up informing you, the player whenever you gain or lose a relationship point with character.

How do you want it to be implemented?



It'd be cheasty doodle if we could see during a conversation.


A Telltale-like pop-up could work for me.


Maybe have some characters openly state that it offended them/made them feel uncomfortable while others are more secluded about it


Maybe have a ''resume'' when ''waking up of all points earned or lost. Otherwise, having them everytime works for me. :)


Since you're going to have people save scumming through anyway (myself included, probably), may as well include exactly what's happening (gains and losses), and also offer an option in settings to hide those notifications if you want to go in blind.


Maybe an option to turn on point pop-ups? I don't know how hard that would be to implement though.

Adam Kindering

Maybe instead of a pop up, you can have a different facial expression for gains, losses and nuetrals. Like a grimace when you chose bad, and a smile for good, an even bigger, huge toothy smile for REALLY good answers.


So like, just like telltale where they say 'this character will remember what you said'?


Every choice you make already has a reaction appropriately made by the character :/


I was thinking to have that ability to toggle it on and off. Or at least toggle it between a pop up every time you gain/lose and pop up after every convo.


I would prefer that as well, it isn't that hard to code I don't think. Just a simple True or False line.