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More sprite updates, I promise I'm nearly done, I only have 1-2 people to go. The next batch will all be nudes to make up for it. And that'll be the last you'll see of characters, at least for this update.

Mostly subtle changes with the top ones, I redid the layer structuring of sister. For Miss Allaway, I completely redid her because I didn't want her to have a prop anymore (for the cases that she's out of class) and Jacob got a layer restructuring too.



Adam Kindering

Looks good, though I am gonna miss Miss Allaway holding the ruler with a goofy grin.


I am too in a way. Though the stick makes her seem very dom which she isn't really. :/


Her old face looks better. the thinner lips, eyebrows, and eyelashes make her look much less feminine.


I'll thicken the eyelashes, I haven't changed her face at all except for a cleaner nose and more solid eyeliner.


Noted, I'll fix up both the eyeliner and the neck area soon.