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Had a great time designing these character. Also had some awesome help with the development of the principal of the school, Miss Lashley, formally known as Mrs Lashley. Give me your opinion and feedback on the designs. Each individual character will be in the attachments for a clearer look at them.




Ditto. Theres a limit to everything even boobs and butts

Adam Kindering

Lets start then: Crugeon: I like the second one, though The glasses from the first. And I don't know why, but the word suspenders is screaming in my head. Daverndathis (Spelling?): I like the third one, but it would be funny if the helmet was made out of cardboard or something. Hitomi: I like the quirkiness of the third, but for a shy person, I think the second is better. Lord KIevlamin: I'm thinking number one with the track pants from two, something about the shorts is weirding me out. Miss Lashley: Number one, with a shorter skirt? Something that that might show a little underneath if she bent over. Also, her boobs do look like balloons, so while I don't care for the size, I don't mind it, but maybe more Gravity needs to be in play?


Thanks for that in depth feed back :) Shorter skirt? Check. More gravitational downpull on the boobs, check.