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Quick update just to inform you on what to expect on Alpha 0.46 coming in June!

As I've been reiterating for the past few update posts, and it's the reason there isn't much frequent update, we're focused on the main story and will be hardcore trying to get that complete and putting resources into that, using temp art as placeholders until the entire thing has an ending.

Roberto has been hard at work on Effie's storyline and she'll be pretty much ready to fully be implemented the update after we complete the main story.

The release dates will be a little different for June from the usual and it'll be as follows:

2 Week Early Access: 11th of June

1 Week Early Access: 20th of June

Patreon / Steam: 29th of June

Thank you for your understanding and your continued support. We will get back into side stories ASAP, our goal is very much just to get an ending on the game's main story arc.



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