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So I'm thinking like, an update every 3 weeks is a bit weird (maybe), it's neither a monthly update nor is it a fortnightly update, which makes me question. How often should I post updates? Every 2 weeks or every 3 weeks? 

I don't really wanna do MONTHLY updates because I think 3 weeks is long enough before people and myself get impatient with an update release.

If I go with every 2 weeks, every even numbered update (Middle of the month) will become Public Release and every odd numbered (Start/End of the month) will be Patron-Only. I think another benefit of this method will be that it'll allow for more community contribution as you perverts will more frequently be asked on what should be focused and worked on next as the updates come a week quicker. The obvious downside is that there'll be a week's worth of less content per update.

If you guys want me to stick with the 3 week format then nothing changes.



Most patron artists struggles even with a monthly deadline for updates. So far, this hasn't happened to you, but shorting the deadline for updates even more might put some unnecessary pressure on you in the long run, imho. Three weeks is already a very short time to deliver content (you are among the very few artist who can deliver that). I would keep it like that. Cheers!


Oh really? I guess if you put it that way, 2 weeks might be very pressured for me though I don't set myself a proper list of things I have to get done before an update, just things that have to be done eventually but I get your point :)