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I've finished 7/13 locations on the map so far, the red squares aren't visitable locations and will be misc buildings to make the map more full. Unless in the future, there comes a plan to add more locations, though its unlikely with the amount of stuff I already have. It's taking quite a bit of time as each building/location has quite a bit of detailing to do to make it look readable and interesting. It's actually pretty calming to work on environmental stuff. Lots of straight edges.

If you have any questions or inquiries or general comments, feel free to comment down below!   




It's looking good so far, although I do have a question (or tip). How is the interaction done exactly? Like do a bunch of options of where we go appear in text and we pick from that or is the map actually clickable and if it is do the clickable locations light up when our mouse goes over them?


The map is entirely clickable, exactly the same way you're able to navigate and interact with highlighted entities in the game at the moment. Anything you can click on will be highlighted when you hover over it with a mouse. This is done via the imagebutton feature in Ren'py.