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Thanks for visiting my Patreon and taking interest in my new game. It's obviously in the earliest of versions and doesn't have much at the moment. But I'll be posting updates almost everyday to my Patrons to show progress and new art that I've worked on.

Expect a new version to be released every 3 weeks. If you have any questions or inquiries or general comments, feel free to comment down below!



i cant get code i just dont see any point playing game


please don't say what the code is in a public post, and the code depends on what version you're playing.


Ver 0.15A that code was with game either some one stuffed it up or its correct code i got no idea no idea why u would have different code every ver of game


no idea why lock everything up i found that on Russian gaming site


as it stands atm i dont have enough cash pay anything yet most i would do $10 more $12.50 or so usd im in Australia


the rewards are on the right, pledge to what rewards you want. It's up to you man.


another thing i no other way to tell code i don't how i was supposed do it sorry about that did not know it was secret since on internet everyone to see all know i tried code diff ways every one reads it may said something i cant read Russian


Well mate, can't help you there. If you wanna pirate the game, do it the hard way.


atm i only paid 1 lot $12.50 so on i add another take over $20 then u other gamer would be at risk not getting paid bec some else from patreon got it from the prev games that wanted that only way i see fixing that is find all old ones months ago remove them from access to my acc


it seems nice and well drawn, good luck for your project!


Would not mind helping to code. It would be a good project while in school.