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Update time, just wanted to show you all a few of the new locations rendered out for Alpha 0.35 but this update has mostly been focused on rendering Lashley's CG Scenes as we're just about getting her side story wrapped up.

We're aiming to get most of her CG done but we can't guarantee every single one done by this update, next update for sure though.

The team has been working on only Lashley, sprites, dialogue, writing, CG coding, art assets and we'll get up to a stage where we only need a small handful of art assets left to make and code in by next update.

The Alpha 0.36 update will move back onto the main story focus and the scenes will be top priority with the occasional work on some interior BG locations.

You can expect Alpha 0.35 to be released on the following dates:

-2 Week Early Access: 3rd of August

-1 Week Early Access: 10th of August

-Level 2 Patrons: 17th of August

This will NOT be a steam released version as we only release Steam versions every even-numbered version.

Thank you for your support and patience! Stay snazzy and classy.

GeeSeki out!



Strategist G Bu Shi

Question: In the future will the MC be able to take girls to the mortal for H-scenes?