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Update time. Sorry, it's been a while. As usual with these updates nowadays, there isn't really much to note in terms of new features or new plans.

We're still working on Lashley's story, we're aiming to get as close to complete with her story as we can but it won't be 100% done by release, hopefully by Alpha 0.35 but 0.36 at the very latest. We've taken a step back from the main story to focus on this storyline.

With each update, I'll be rendering a few of the locations as to eventually replace all the temporary art with final assets. I've completed the uptown map and I've also rendered 6 of the new locations. I'm currently focused on Lashley's CG assets and such for now.

I've also commissioned for the nightclub to finally include some appropriate music for the setting so it doesn't sound like a silent disco anymore.

I've been sick for the past week and still currently out of energy but I'll try and get well asap as to sprint the final lap of Alpha 0.34 ready for the Early June Early Access releases.

This is the schedule we have planned currently:

2 Week Early Access - June 3rd
1 Week Early Access - June 10th
Patreon/Steam Release - June 17th

This update will also be included into Steam's release as it is an even numbered update.

Thank you all for your patience and support.

GeeSeki out!



Strategist G Bu Shi

How you get well soon, and please make sure to take care of yourself. To help with your sickness, considering trying a combination of theraflu and herbal/green tea. If you don't have access to theraflu at a pharmacy where you live, than just a cup of green tea a day.