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Hey, guys

Update time.

Uptown Map:

I've made progress on the uptown map, I forgot how long it takes to create a map with all the details of the buildings and the surrounding area. I'm about 60% done for the time being and will probably leave it where it is until a later date. Don't want to spoil too much so I won't show it off yet.

New Characters:

The main story and Eloise's story will be set a lot in the office space and it was insisted that the office needed to be filled with personalities so we had to come up with some more characters for the office. I've made the sketches (as shown above) and will rendering them out tonight and the next few days.

To be fair on the development and to not lengthen what is already a long process, we decided that the characters above can't be pursued in a side story. They may be screw-able during an event or someone else's storyline but they won't have a storyline of their own, they'll act more like supporting characters.

Main Story:

We've added about 30k worth of main story content. I have a ton of art assets yet to do so it's unlikely that the CG scenes will see much work done but any scenes involving sprite will get done. I've brought on another programmer to solely handle the sprite work so that DarkMage can work on the logic and QA side of things.


That is it for now! Thank you all for another year and another week of support. Love yous and stay safe out there.

GeeSeki out!



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