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Hey, yall.

Quick update. Besides the main story, we're implementing a gift-giving system into the game. This may or may not play a bigger part in a character's side story but for now, this gifting system will mainly be so that you can increase a character's Relationship Points by giving them gifts that they may like.

We will be capping the maximum amount of points that you can increase using this system based on where you are in x character's storyline. For example, if you are at the middle of Allaway's story, the max points you can get to is 5. 

If you have completed her story, you can max it out to 10. This is so it isn't an abused system right from the get-go. This is for those who may be a few points behind the recommended RP and want to be up to speed.

With this addition, we will also be extending the mall to have a second area to host all the shops that can carry these items for purchase.

Thank you to everyone who has bought and reviewed our game on Steam! As of writing this post, we still have the Launch discount so make sure to grab it while it's hot! And if you HAVE played the game and own it on Steam, please consider leaving us a review, it'll help us out a ton!


Thanks for the continued support, we are more determined that ever after seeing and reading your reviews on Steam. We will announce the 3 winners of the Patreon Community-Voted H-scenes soon.

GeeSeki out!
