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Hey guys,

I've got some news for ya. We are approved on Steam! Yipee! Yahoo! And Wahoo!

Before I answer some FAQ, I'll give you an update on this coming update. I'll post this as a Public post so that followers can read the FAQ.

This coming update, Alpha 0.29 will be available for:
-2 Week Early Access on the 10th of July
-1 Week Early Access on the 17th of July
-3 Day Early Access on the 21st of July
-All Patron Access on the 24th of July

We took some time working on prepping the game for Steam's review but besides that, we aimed for a couple of things that we really want to get done. 

First and foremost, the Main Story Outline. I've expressed many a time how the main story was a very convoluted story concept and was the reason for many creative blocks and frustration. It was my goal to set aside the art and prioritise the main story outline's completion so that the weight of it can be taken off of Robert's (writer) shoulders.

With that out of the way, it gives us the motivation and drive to tackle the game at a better pace. We are not going to be adding the new content into the game just yet though. We do still want to catch up and render all the temporary art to have it at a 'more polished' looking state in time for the Steam's first release.

To achieve this, I've brought back Smear who I had at the end of last year to help render out CG Scenes. Because of the amount of art we have in the game now, we are able to reuse and modify already existing assets to speed up the process.

And besides the art, there are many areas that require coding attention such as polishing Jane's story so that her post-story is open for redoing h-scenes outside of the VR Headset. Implementing newer h-scenes INTO the VR Headset feature. As well as grounding whatever h-scene we can into the world more fluently.


Now time for some FAQ

If you haven't already, please check out our Steam page and add it to your wishlist, keep an eye on it for its release date and Steam sales!


What are the changes made for Steam's release?

To comply with Steam's policy for adult games, we've had to change the high school setting and turn it into a university setting. This is a minor change but took a lot of work by DarkMage (programmer) to sift through over 200,000 words and change any inappropriate references. That really is the only thing that needed change. What Steam is okay with, Patreon is not okay with. What Patreon is okay with, Steam is not okay with. Well said.

Are you going to release it on MAC?

TinyHat Studios are currently working with Apple to get the game executable on Mac OS. We have to get through some obstacles and sign a few things and what not. I'm unsure but for now, let's say hopefully we are able to, we aren't counting it out.

When is it going to be released?

The Steam page currently states a release date for October 17th. That may or may not be a set in stone date but I don't see why it would be a problem for us.

How much is it going to be on Steam?

We have a starting number but we will sit upon it and possibly change it slightly closer to the release date. I won't disclose it until we have a set in stone price.

What happens to the Public Release?

We will have to stop posting the Public Release eventually, and by eventually I mean before we release the first Steam release. This is to ensure that Steam users are provided with a game of proper value. I believe that whichever last Public Release is available, has a more than healthy amount of content for new players to act as an extensive demo for more updated versions.

Are you still going to release the game on Patreon?

Yes, we will be continue with Patreon releases every 2 months. After many different time iterations of how frequent releases should be, 2 months is a balanced compromise. 4-6 weeks makes updates way too small and causes burn out for the team, and 3 months is way too long in between updates.

How often are the Steam Updates? 

Steam updates won't be as frequent as Patreon updates, we will be posting a Steam update every 2nd Patreon update. 

So Patreon will get 0.30, 0.31, 0.32, 0.33, etc.

Steam will get 0.30, 0.32, 0.34, 0.36, etc.

This is the compromise we decided on. Steam is a one-time purchase and you'll get updates every 4 months. This is a great option for long term supporters who prefer more content per update. Patreon is a month-by-month pledge that allows you a more active role in our development, this is for those who want to see more frequent releases or just want to opt in and out whenever they want.


Thank you everyone for the continued support, new Patrons and Veterans. We love you all. GeeSeki out!




Will I s till be able to name the roomate sister and have the conversation alter to the fact?

dehydrated monkey nipples

I mean as long as the game is good and if the only thing you had to change was the highschool to a university then all should be good


i just gave you 20 dollars a month okie dokie.


tho early acess would be a better reward but i just enjoying the game to much