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Hey, guys. Hope you're having a more than okay start of 2020.

I just wanna take this time to get in deep with you guys and talk about the development of this game, 3 years in the making.

Yeah, 3 years is quite some time to be working on this, I actually can't believe we've made it this far. What started as a passion project in a week in December 2016, is now and will continue to be an ever expanding world with characters to love and make love to.

2019 has been a tough year for ATU and myself; experiencing a lot of changes and trials to overcome. I won't sap on about it but I'm glad we're through into the next decade where the development of the game and I can move on with a cleaner and clearer outlook.

In the past, we went with a 'new version every 4-5 weeks' schedule. That ended up not working out. We soon tried a 'new version when we feel it's ready to be released' schedule. That also didn't really work out. 

So the right balance for us to spend 8 weeks per update so it isn't frequent that progress seem slow but also not too open and vague so the wait isn't 4 months long.

I've given myself  and the team working with me the rest of December and early January to spend time for themselves and with family and what not but we're heading right back into work, especially me. Because of this, Alpha 0.27 will be available to 2 week early access patrons early March rather than mid February.

We've reached the point in development where there really isn't any new features to add or work on. So because of that, the type of content we release per version will now consist of patron-voted h-scenes (about 3 per version) and story progression. 

And with the story progression, many of the art that will be added will be temporary sketches that will be rendered out when there is time left to do so. I hope you understand. I've said it many times before; art is the most time consuming area, thus, I need to compromise with you guys and provide place holder art for non-hscenes for the time being if we were to maintain a healthy amount of new story content. Any h-scenes though will have top priority, do not freterino.

The main story is currently our top priority but during creative blocks, we move on working on Principal Lashley's story line. There has already been quite some stuff written for her, I'll have to update you guys later on on whether we decide to add those in in this update or the next.

Don't forget to submit your h-scene ideas to be polled every 3 weeks, your suggestion may be chosen!

If you have any questions or would like to reach out to me, please do so via discord or email: geesekivn@gmail.com as I do not read patreon comments anymore.

Thanks perverts, stay smooth.



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