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 (Alpha 0.26b)




*Please ensure that you're starting a new game or loading a pre-set load and not using an old save files. I've received many bug reports that claim were triggered in a new save but could not be recreated due to the nature of the bug.
(Eg. the game is looking for a misslashley image file but the code has recently been modified to search for a principallashley file and the files have been renamed accordingly. So if you're using an old save, it'll have old code that will look for the old image which doesn't exist anymore.)

Cheatcode: walkingsim

Alpha 0.26a - The Ambient Update
+Spelling and Grammar Fix Focus
+Many code optimizations and game flow updates
+Added Main Story Dialogue Story
+Added a 100 character per second dialogue text type out
+Added Hitomi Living Room H-scene (Talk to Hitomi)
+Added Meghan H-scene in School Girls’ Bathroom (Friday Afternoon)
+Added H-scene for Missus and Jane within Main Story (Complete one of or both their stories, if both side stories are complete, Missus' h-scene triggers on or before the 15th of the game month, Jane triggers after)
+Added ambience sounds for various appropriate locations
+Added sexworld versions of cafeteria and gym during the day
+Added dance floor section at the nightclub
+Added anal sex version for missionary with Jane post Cam-stream
+Updated menu transitions from fade to dissolve
+Fixed triggering bug for Jane’s story
+Fixed townmap bug when visiting the policestation
+Fixed policestation day and night error
+Fixed setup for the kitchen
+Fixed missing default variables bugs
-Missing Art and Unfinished Sprite work

Alpha 0.26b
+Fixed Sexworld Gym Crash Bug
+Fixed Sexworld Cafeteria Crash Bug
+Fixed Meghan School Bathroom H-scene Not Triggering Bug
+Fixed Jumping to Missus’ Hscene when you press ‘Next’ during Hitomi’s Livingroom H-scene
+Fixed Permanent Disabled Map after Miss Lashley tells you that Principal Lashley wants to talk to you
+Fixed Permanent Disabled Map after coming home from being trapped in school with Miss Allaway
+Fixed Xray during Jane Beanbag H-scene eventhough Xray option is toggled off

Developer Note:

Hey, perverts.

Happy Holidays and such and such. I hope you're all doing merrily and stuff. I apologise for not doing much worded updates these past few months, I just constantly feel like there's nothing interesting to note on other than "it's coming along". I've been doing my best with what I can for the game, I have implemented some things and there are other things not yet implemented but are currently WIP.

If I'm being transparent, I haven't been feeling quite the best mentally. I have a lot of stuff going on in my life at the moment and stress just piles on top of each other. 2019 has been an eventful year, full of ups but also more downs than the past 5 years put together (or at least if feels that way). Sorry if that's a bummer for you to hear or like that you don't really care. Just play the game lol.

Also if you really want to contact me, please do so via PM on discord. I've been avoiding the comments for my sanity. I hope you all understand.

See you around cool people.




Is the map supposed to disappear after you talk to the principal, because whether you take the raincheck or not, it disappears and I don't know how to get it back


is anyone not getting the bathroom H-scene im not


I seem to not be able to get the Mom H-Scene, but I can get the sister one. I tried both my old save, and using a new save that starts at the new update, but neither worked.


youll get through it man. we all do at some point


he's added in all this stuff, but i've never been able access it


anybody still can't access any of the new stuff I've tried and nothing just keeps saying wait later in the month or head to your room and nothing


i can't the Cheating cod working