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Just a quick update on what's been going on. After releasing the 2 week early access and other than the occasional bug fixing, I took a needed break to work on something else just to keep my sanity. Alpha 0.24 is now available for $3+ Patrons and Alpha 0.23 available for Public and $1+ Patrons.

Other than that, I've filtered out all of the artist applicants and have picked one to join the team. I'm currently setting up tasks and scenes for them to work on.

On the other hand, we are now down a programmer. We'll see how our work flow works before I consider bringing on another programmer. Outsourcing 80% of the art workload to someone else and me being the primary programmer may just be the right combination for what we can afford right now.

In other news, I've posted a poll about the new H-scene and the winner came to be 'Accidentally penetrating Hitomi'. You guys seem to wanna see how that plays out. Robert and I have briefly discussed it and have concluded on one idea. I hope you like how it turns out.

I'll be running another poll at the start of September for Patron-voted h-scene #3. Just a reminded that only $5+ patrons get a vote and $10+ patrons' votes count as 3.

We don't wanna have another 4-month gap in between releases so the next release will be mid-October. I can't just 'release when its ready' because that does more harm than good for development. If you're one that doesn't like the amount of content in an update, then skip the release and play a later one, ain't rocket science. Cool? cool.

Thanks for your patience and support, peace.



Brandon Shane

While the "release every month no matter what" model has it's drawbacks, I do actually prefer this method over all. So, good on ya!